Cape Hatteras lighthouse from pirate perspective

Published 15.07.2020 by Anna Maria Doe

Ahoy mateys! Get ready to set sail on a journey through the history of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, as told by a pirate's perspective.

The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, also known as the "Beacon of the Atlantic," has been guiding ships safely through the treacherous waters off the coast of North Carolina for centuries. But for us pirates, it's been a constant thorn in our side, leading ships away from our loot-filled waters.

The lighthouse was first built in 1870, standing at 198 feet tall, making it the tallest brick lighthouse in the country at the time. We pirates tried our best to sabotage the construction, but those pesky lighthouse builders were too smart for us.

But we weren't ones to give up easily. In the early 1900s, we managed to sink a ship right in front of the lighthouse, causing it to tilt and lean to one side. The lighthouse keepers had to work extra hard to keep the light shining, but they managed to keep it going.

Years went by, and the lighthouse continued to be a nuisance for us pirates. But in the 1980s, the National Park Service decided to move the entire lighthouse further inland to prevent it from falling into the sea. We laughed at their efforts, thinking the lighthouse would never be moved. But to our surprise, they did it! The lighthouse was successfully moved 2900 feet inland, where it stands today.

Despite our best efforts, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has stood the test of time and continues to guide ships safely through the waters. But don't worry, we pirates will never give up our quest to take control of the seas. Just keep a lookout for us, and remember, dead men tell no tales.

So there you have it, the history of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse from a pirate's perspective. Aye, it may have been a thorn in our side, but it's a true testament to human ingenuity and perseverance.

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Anna Maria Doe

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